Friday, October 3, 2008

2009 Offical Farrell Mascot Winner!

After months of campaigning, battle royales, and "2nds" at breakfast buffets, the results are finally tallied and the winner for Farrell Family Mascot of the Year 2009 is .... Whiplash!

Whiplash, or as college kids know him "that monkey that rides that dog", won by 1 vote narrowly defeating the squirrel on water skis and the kid from the 80s Elio's Pizza commercials who said the cheese goes "blub, blub, blub."

As our 2009 Mascot you can expect Whiplash to "do his thang" at every wedding, graduation, sporting event, bar mitzfah, family dinner, and child birth. Thank you all for voting, especially Uncle Paul who voted twice for the "Vlasic Pickle Crane", we look forward to next year's competition.

1 comment:

KLB said...

I think this mascot applied too late for consideration in the '09 competition,,6278001,00.jpg